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Share Your Meeting Video
This provides LLN members with the opportunity to see recordings of other Town Committee / Grassroots groups monthly meetings on a wide variety of topics. If you would like us to add your video to this page, please fill out the submission form below.
You can provide us with:
UNEDITED RAW FOOTOAGE of your meeting and we will post it exactly as is
UNEDITED RAW FOOTAGE along with a detailed description of how you want us to edit the video (We will provide the editing template)
EDITED VERSION edited by you
If you have questions or are having difficulty uploading your video, contact us at
Share Your Accountability Ads
Many towns and organizations create short ads designed to point out various ways in which sitting legislators or candidates do not reflect their district’s values or preferences. There are three things you can do with videos posted on this page:
1. Browse the accountability videos of others. Share them with your network of friends, grassroots organizations, and your town committee members through social media.
2. Add your own videos to this page. Click below to upload your video.
3. Download the ‘Plug & Play’ ads of others. These ads were designed to allow you to easily replicate them, inserting your own legislator or candidate and replacing the audio. We can help you with this process. If you are looking for assistance in making your own accountability video, please contact us.
Some of these ads are Plug & Play. They are designed to allow you to very easily replace a picture of one legislator with one running in your district and re-record appropriate audio. We can help you with this process. Looking for assistance in making your own accountability video?
The LLN Administrator will take videos down after an appropriate period of time.
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